Sunday, May 27, 2012

Special Statement on the 22nd anniversary of the 1990 election

Special Statement on The Anniversary of The 1990 Multi-Party Democratic General Elections

(1) The 1990 Elections which were a landmark in the Burma political scene as a victory of the people is celebrating its 22nd Anniversary. History can neither be erased, nor can it be substituted, or ignored. The black mark that had stained the State Law & Order Restoration Council (SLORC) which had refused to acknowledge the results of the elections and convene the Parliament also followed the State Peace & Development Council (SPDC) into history. Furthermore the current U Thein Sein government, elected under the 2008 Constitution, is also tarred with this same brush. As long as the present government and the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw do not acknowledge the results of the 1990 elections in a practical manner this will remain, and continue to be, a political problem waiting for solution.

(2) At the 1990 Elections there were 27 political parties who won more than 1 constituency and 6 independents. Out of 485 constituencies, the National League for Democracy (NLD) won 392 seats. The remaining 26 parties and independents won 93 seats. Before the 2010 Elections there were altogether 10 legally registered political parties. This is the manifestation of the true aspirations of the whole populace of the country. Therefore we are of the opinion that the onus to find a solution to the 1990 Elections results with not only the current government in power and the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw but also on the elected representatives who had received the mandates from the general public and the then political parties.

(3) The Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, U Khin Aung Myint, spoke casually that the results of the 1990 Elections are acknowledged. We cannot accept this statement as it was made without any sense of responsibility and devoid of any practical measures and spoken outside of the regular Hluttaw session. It is just another deception on the electorate, the political parties concerned and also on the elected representatives.

(4) The current U Thein Sein government is basically a government that inherited the Roadmap of the SLORC/SPDC and no more but a quasi-military government. Based on the experience of the on-going armed conflicts in the Kachin State and the rules and regulations of the current sessions of the two houses of the Hluttaw- which are convened under the provisions of the 2008 Constitution- we are of the opinion that there still exist many constraints to change the clauses in the 2008 Constitution and transition to a truly democratic system.

(5) We acknowledge that changes are occurring in both the political and economic arenas in Burma. But these changes are not changes in essence and politically which not yet on the path to democracy. So long as the clauses that do not conform to democratic norms in the Constitution are not amended it cannot be said that Burma’s political scene had changed.

(6) We welcome the activities to bring about ceasefire between the ethnic nationalities and the government and also efforts to bring peace and tranquility to these areas. However, we also do not believe that the current strategies of U Thein Sein government’s- (1) agreed to ceasefire, (2) set up a political party, (3) contest the elections, (4) become active in the current Hluttaw activities- a Hluttaw elected on the basis of the 2008 Constitution- are conducive to bring about genuine peace in the country or will solve the remaining political problems. We are of the opinion that political activities, both inside and outside of the Hluttaw, should be conducted in mutual respect and recognition of each other to face the current political situation in the country.

(7) To bring about national reconciliation, internal peace and solution to all outstanding political problems we are of the opinion that a National Convention should be convened to comprehensively address the following:
1. Comprehensive ceasefire all over the country
2. General Amnesty
3. Release of all remaining political prisoners
4. Participation of all stakeholders at this National Convention

According to the decision by the weekly Skype meeting on May 20, 2012,

Executive Committee
Members of Parliament Union (Burma)
Dated: May 27, 2012

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